Why do we struggle so much with our emotions? In Gospel Shaped Emotions, Kevin Wilson explores how our emotions do not have to control us but can submit to the authority of Jesus. Anger, anxiety, joy and grief can all find a peaceful home at the foot of the cross.
We all experience emotions daily. The emotions we experience are not intrinsically evil or sinful in themselves, but when these emotions get out of control, they tend to lead us to places we never thought we would go. Often our emotions are out of control when they outrun our brains, meaning our minds can’t keep up with and process the emotions we are experiencing. You see, the problem we have is not that we are too emotional or that we experience myriad of emotions in the general occurrence of life. The problem is with us. It’s the way we process the world around us as sinners. We have a problem, and it will affect the way we, as sinful creatures, experience the world God has has created.
We need something more significant than our emotions. We find this more significant object in God and in the attributes that define who he is as we experience him. We need to lose our emotions. We should not stuff them or hide them, but we should lose them in Christ and his attributes, knowing he can swallow up out-of-control emotions and subject them to the reign and control of Christ.