HOLY SPIRIT: Seeing the Power of God Unleashed in Your Life

You find power when the person of the Holy Spirit opens your eyes to the Scriptures, and you see the beauty of the gospel story and the finished work of the man, Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is not a force. He is a person who desires to help you follow Jesus all your life.
Written for as a church-wide series for Fellowship Community Church, this 4-week Bible study features video teaching sessions from Kevin Wilson with group discussion and personal application questions. It can be used with a small group or for individual study.
Printed study guides are available. For more details, complete the contact form.
HOPE IS HERE: A Study of John 17-19

Hope is an essential aspect of daily living. We look for hope in the face of adversity. Hope is the spark that pushes us into bold new adventures. Yet, the gospel of John beckons those looking for hope to look no further than the man, Jesus Christ.
Written for as a church-wide series for Fellowship Community Church, this 4-week Bible study features video teaching sessions from Kevin Wilson with group discussion and personal application questions and 20 daily devotions from related passages. It can be used with a small group or for individual study.
Printed study guides are available. For more details, complete the contact form.